The Polly Ann Trail is a major non-motorized trail in Oakland County extending north from Orion Township in suburban Detroit on a former Pontiac, Oxford & Northern Railroad corridor. Polly Ann Trailway’s mission is to establish and operate a non-motorized greenway accessible to all, and positively impacting the lives of all within its sphere of influence.
The Polly Ann Trail is a major non-motorized trail in Oakland County extending north from Orion Township in suburban Detroit on a former Pontiac, Oxford & Northern Railroad corridor.The Oakland County Polly Ann ends at the Bordman Road at the Lapeer/Oakland County border. The Oakland County segment connects the Townships of Orion, Oxford and Addison and the Villages of Oxford and Leonard. The Orion Township pathway system connects the trail to the popular Paint Creek Trail.
Both portions are owned by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The trail is managed separately by groups in Lapeer County and by the Polly Ann Trail Management Council, Inc. (PATMC) in Oakland County,The portion of the trail in Oakland County has a crushed stone surface and runs for 14.2 miles from Orion Township to the Oakland–Lapeer county line.
Certain sections of the trail in urban areas have an improved asphalt surface. Along the way, trail users pass through the communities of Orion Township, Oxford Township, the Village of Oxford, Addison Township and the Village of Leonard.
In Lapeer County, the Polly Ann Trail continues north with a much rougher ballast surface for 20 miles to North Branch Township. The trail is clear and maintained in Dryden Township, Dryden Village and Imlay City, with the latter community featuring a paved stretch. The rest of the trail is largely unimproved and may be rough, uneven and wet in spots. For this reason, mountain bikers, hikers and horseback riders will generally have the best experience along the Polly Ann Trail in Lapeer County.